May 18-22, 2023


Zion National Park, Utah


Listening to the inner Wisdom that lives deep within our Bones.

All of that which moves us to any and all emotions.

Honoring every thought, every feeling, every decision.

It’s the knowing.

The trusting.

Embracing the struggle.

Knowing that the voices in our heads are only speaking to our Hearts.

Asking us to connect deeper within our core.

Inviting us into the inner journey that has a one-way ticket.

Because even if we are afraid, we must.

There is just no other way.

Embarking on the greatest journey of our lives.

One where we will get tired.

We may feel completely alone.  

At times being carried by those Women that came before us.

By our Grandmothers and our Great Grandmothers.

Following the Love Whispers left behind by our ancestors.

Showing up like heavenly sprinkles just because.

The aching in our bones is only that which was caged.

We hear the buried stores.

They speak our Truths.

The Whispers Beloved are the Love Stories we have forgotten.

The one where we save ourselves, we heal our wounds.

Dancing in the jungle, under the moonlight, in the forest, with the Flowers and the Trees.

Surrendering to all the magick that has always lived within us and around us.

Whispers from my Heart to Yours,

Syrius Priya Xitlali








Beloved Sister,

If you are here, reading this, you are already listening to the Whispers within. Those that have been serenading you with Love Poems. 

As Women we are the caregivers of all physical, all heavenly and everything in between as our Beloved Wisdom Keeper, Atonka teaches us. 

Ayni, being in Right Relation with all that exists around us and within us. How do we replenish when we have run on dry for so long? How do we refill all that we have poured even when we didn’t have much more to give? How do we become the Unconditional Love we deserve?  

This Women’s Retreat will be a time of Returning to Love. Returning to the Heart, our Hearts. After all, the Heart is where Home is. We will be held and guided as we embody the 5 Elements during this retreat. Fully immersing ourselves in Sacred Practices such Kundalini Yoga, Meditation, Chanting/Mantra, Chinese Medicine, Mayan Medicine along with other MesoAmerican Indigenous Teachings, Ayurveda, Flower Essences, Sound Healing, Cacao Ceremony and whatever else our Hearts desire.  

Zion National Park’s Magick is awaiting your arrival. We can’t wait to sit in circle along side you Beloved Sister. The Red Thread of Fire has always connected us from Heart to Heart. It is time, it is time we sit together once again in this lifetime. Aho!

“Oh Yum Hunab Ku Evan Maya E Maho”

“May Everything be Known as the Light of the Mutual Love”

Cost Includes

Lodging for all 5 days and 4 nights and all Vegan meals and snacks created by a professional chef.  All daily activities are inclusive except for additional Sacred Offerings that will be made available on a limited basis during Dream Time. Some of these Sacred Offerings may include but not limited to:  Reiki Healing, Womb Heart Healing, Lomi Lomi Massage, and Birth Impressions Journey. 

*Flight and or Transportation to and from the Retreat are not included. Closest Airport to Zion National Park is McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas, 170 miles from the park.

Regular Price $2495 

Goddess Village Accommodations

$1995 Early Goddess Special Until Feb 22nd

$500 is Non-Refundable. Read below for full refund disclosure. 

We Lovingly Recommend to purchase travel insurance:

*We are not affiliated or compensated by any company. Please consider all options before choosing a company.

*Cancellation Policy: Cancellations from December 14, 2022 -February 19, 2023 will receive full refund minus $500 non-refundable deposit. Cancellations after February 19, 2023 are non-refundable. We highly encourage travel insurance.

What is Kundalini Yoga...

“Kundalini Yoga is an ancient art and science dealing with the transformation and expansion of consciousness, the awakening and raising of Kundalini Energy up the spine through energy centers called Chakras. The activation and balancing of the chakras is accomplished by the mixing and uniting of Prana (cosmic energy) with Apana (eliminating energy) which generates pressure to force Kundalini to rise, by means of Pranayama (breathing exercises). 

Through the practice of Kundalini Yoga, a woman can unite her consciousness with Cosmic Consciousness on a regular basis by carefully performing the exercises and meditations in specific sequence and combination. A student soon becomes adept at perceiving the movement of energy within and outside of her body, and consciously begins to direct its flow to stimulate and awaken the chakras, for healing herself and others, and becomes a co-creator with universal energies.”

-Guru Rattana 

Kundalini Yoga is helping you to get to know new parts of yourself, to get a deeper contact with your physical body and your mind. It’s helping you to listen deeply within so you can care for yourself in best possible way. 

The purpose of yoga is to honor yourself and show yourself love. It’s about finding the balance between activity and rest, and direction and stillness. It’s about connecting to the present moment.

Kundalini Yoga is inviting you to create a deep contact with yourself here and now. It’s an invitation to experience beyond all constant changes in your mental body, emotional body and your soul.

The word yoga means to yoke- to unite, and the purpose with the lineage is to see the uniting between us as individuals and the universe.

Yoga is to move away from separateness, conflict and suffering and instead embody a sense of being part of something bigger and live in faith, consonance, appreciation, and gratefulness for life. 

The asanas in Kundalini yoga aim to create harmony in the body and to raise awareness. The practice gives endurance the ability to concentrate, you build inner strength and self-regulation. 

Kundalini Yoga is strengthening our nervous system and our muscles, stimulating our circulation, and boosting our immune system and is helping us to clean out toxins from our body. Through daily practice Kundalini Yoga, you feel rejuvenated, alive and full of Prana- lifeforce.

Sample Daily Journey


Light Breakfast

Morning Circle



Afternoon Class


Evening Circle and Ceremony

*The above schedule is tentative and may change

**DreamTime - During this time Goddesses will have the ability to hike, nap, or journal. A Goddess can, for additional cost paid directly to the service provider, get a massage or do a one on one with a Guest Goddess.

A Deeper Look at Our Offerings

Cacao Ceremony 

Cacao has been used for thousands of years to call in miracles and healing.

Cacao is a feminine plant and comes from the sacred tree TheoBroma, which means

Food of the Goddesses  

Cacao is the plant medicine that contains the  highest amount of magnesium. Since our heart is a muscle the mineral will help your heart soften and release tension. 

When you relax, your heart opens and understands the beauty of unconditional love and forgiveness.

You will move from your mind to your heart center. 

When you drink the Sacred nectar of Cacao, you connect to Mother Earth's Heart Center, which is the gateway to the spiritual world. 

You connect to a lineage of the Mayans and the Aztecs heritage. 

Through Cacao and Bhakti Yoga (devotion) you bridge the teachings from the universal consciousness to our heart- and healing can begin. 

We move from our ego and me into the universal mind and we.  

We start living with

 Acceptance, Appreciation and Love.

Indigenous Wisdom - Mayan Medicine

and Other MesoAmerican Whispers

When you feel it in your bones, listen. When you hear the Whispers, pay attention. The Ancestors speak to us through the Flowers and the Trees. Because the wind carries the messages that were once sent to us many lifetimes ago so that we may Re-Member where we came from and who we are. A gift that will help us Re-Activate the wisdom and the medicine that we carry deep within.

Our journey will Re-Ignite every cell of your being. These ancient teachings were once buried under the Sacred Tree. The rich history of our past will help us embody fully the Human and the Divine that we are.

Through ancient sounds, movement, and a deep knowledge of the first Star Seeds, we become one with all. All that surrounds us is within us. And all that is within us is all around us. We are one in the same.

K’uk’ulkan, the Mayan Feathered Serpent, can be Re-Activated just like Kundalini Yoga can. With deep intention, we can manifest our dreams and our desires. Let us teach the people of the land what was once taught by their Grandmothers and their Great-Grandmothers. Let us teach the world what was once hid from us.

“In lak’ech”

Inner Child – Birth Impression Meditation

The human system is always seeking wholeness.” -D. Penenberg

We will take a journey within to encourage our process of coming into more alignment with all of who we each are. Our births contain valuable moments of expression and compression which inform our relationship to self, others and the world. Let us venture into these sacred places of constriction and liberate our ability to inhabit all of who we are, everyone’s birthright.

Sacred Space Holder

Syrius Priya Xitlali

Priya is a Mujer Medicina. She walked on this Earth for the first 30 years feeling there were parts of her that were missing. It wasn’t until she heard the whispers from her soul tugging at her heart asking her to return Home that she began to find her Truth. For years she ignored the calling, which only made the pain harder to bare. Once she stopped seeking the answers everywhere else and began to go deeper within herself, she found the medicine that she had once buried so that she could heal herself. A survivor of sexual abuse, along with other traumatic events were painfully lodged in her body, causing chaos both physically and mentally. The traumas of her life no longer defined her.  

The wind carried the whispers of her ancestors. An indigenous wisdom that was carried from the Sacred Tree directly into her heart. When it was time for her to walk on her path of service, there was no denying the Unconditional Love that held her all along. 

She walks alongside other women to help them re-ignite the fire that burns deep within each of us. Holding their hand along the way in the darkness until they find their light once again.

She is a Kundalini Yoga Teacher that uses other tools in her medicine bag to be a vessel through which Goddess brings what is needed for her clients and students.  Mayan and other MesoAmerican Sacred Teachings brew together like a Volcanic explosion of Wisdom that becomes activated the moment our Hearts open.  

She has trained in the Jungles of Costa Rica and Mexico, along with her ancestors. She dances in the Forest with the Trees and Flowers as a Flower Essence Practitioner. Her Grandmothers and Great Grandmothers sit beside her in ceremony, even from afar. She has been initiated as a Shaman through the Q’ero lineage, although she also believes that we can crown and baptize ourselves into Sovereignty. She is advanced Reiki II Certified, a Shakti School Mentor and she uses the power of the crystals and her rattle to bring healing to the mind, body and soul.  

Her cauldron brews with many ancient teachings. Her Dharma is being a Mother to her four beautiful children. Teaching them the old wise woman ways so that they will always Re-Member their way home.  Aho!

“In Lak’esh Ala K’in”

Sacred Space Holder

Johanna Hari Sant

Johanna HariSant is an international Kundalini Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master, Shakti School Facilitator and Vegan Chef.

Hari Sant began her spiritual journey after being hit with a bus riding her bike to work in NYC 2010.Through the ancient teachings of Kundalini Yoga,she was able to ease some of her physical pain with her daily practice,  steady intention and deep prayer. She began to rediscover her injured body and connected to her inner guidance and found her Satya- Truth.

She traveled to India, Guatemala and Peru and learned about different lineages. She studied  different styles of Yoga- Hatha, Ayurveda Yoga and Kundalini Yoga and the arts of crystal healing and Reiki. 

“My life journey helped me understand that my mission is to guide women from darkness to the light. Whether it’s from a life which might just feel pointless and boring or from a life that is so dark that nothing seems to help, to navigate towards a meaningful life filled with joy and happiness. 

I am here to support and guide you- I am here to show you the way to your inner landscape to help ignite that fire within you. Through tools such as: breathing techniques, visualization, and meditation I will help empty your cluttered mind and still yourself. Through yoga asanas (exercises) you will connect to the wisdom of the physical body, and you will tune in with the intelligence of the breath through different breathing techniques. With these tools I started to heal my body, mind and soul from a very dark place. Through my daily sacred yoga practice, I started to build my dream life. 

With a strong commitment and a powerful intention HariSant started her own company HariSant Harmony. Her  mission is to guide women of all ages and background, to repair and heal through a healthy loving connection with their body, mind and soul. She works with women 1:1 and in groups.

HariSant is holding womens retreats in Europe and in the USA. She teaches yoga online and is creating a women’s retreat center in Sweden. Beside yoga teacher  she is a vegan chef and reiki master. 

“We as a collective can raise the pulse of Mother Earth and create a better place for us to grow old. By cultivating a healthy relationship with our self we are cultivating a healthy relationship towards each other and Mother Earth."

Guest Goddess

Atonka Ma

A deep desire penetrates Atonka’s passion in helping grow love and a bright future throughout all of her creations. She believes…… that everything has movement, circulation, integrity and immunity in this world. She encourages everybody to polish there dream until you can find sincere circulation with all of creation, To never give up the sensation of a powerful will, the feeling that resides beyond the mind, but is part of the mind. To build, soulful creations that are deeply rooted in the present and go far beyond our past and immediate future. Atonka is the founder and co-creator of the Nama-Stay Retreat Village in Zion National Park. A sanctuary space where she shares with pure intent her medicine of Great Yin.

Guest Goddess

Anna Penenberg

Anna Penenberg is a healer, mother and author. By nature and training, her approach integrates neurobiology, psychotherapy, and wisdom traditions into personal pathways of re-patterning. Anna’s gift is working in the relational field, providing safety, cadence, and dimension in the healing process. She uses a sophisticated version of soul retrieval to restore somatic, psychological, and emotional balance—-unearthing fragments held by the inner child and within the physical body. Navigating the dynamics of wounding through this unique work addresses patterning at its core, fostering compassionate healing connections with oneself and others.

Anna holds a BA in Psychology and MA in Dance Therapy from UCLA, with certifications in Marriage & Family Therapy, Body-Mind Centering, Infant Developmental Movement, and Kundalini Yoga & Meditation.

Guest Goddess

Ghylian Bell

Ghylian is a community activist, corporate wellness facilitator and international mindfulness educator focused on diversity and inclusion.

“My work is through education and healing trauma. I work to reclaim these indigenous practices and part of my teaching comes from my story. The importance of remembering the story of who we are is how we tap into the energy within. I learn, I teach, I share and hope to activate that seed of consciousness in the work I do for others.”

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