Dance in your own Flower Garden of Ecstasy. The flowers will whisper soft words of Re-Memberance to your soul. They will caress your skin and perfume you with their essence. They rejoice, seeing you return home.
Current Offerings
Sound Bath Meditation
Contact for more information
(909) 379-9653
Flower Essence, Reiki, Crystal Healing Sessions Contact for more information (909) 379-9653
Divine Women’s Book Club/Circle Bi-Weekly Pacific Time
Mondays 5pm Zoom
Sundays 11am In Person
Kundalini Yoga and Meditation Classes Contact for more information (909) 379-9653
First Class $10 🌹 $20 drop in
Ritual and Prayer
The Medicine lives deep within. Honor yourself, your ancestors, and your soul.
You know the way Beloved Sister.
Plant Medicine
Flower Essences
The Flowers want to caress you and hold you. They will softly and slowly begin to penetrate your being.
Tree Essences
Trees are rooted strongly. They will help stabilize your system so that you may continue to move forward towards your soul’s calling.
Crystal Essences
Connect to Gaia through the Medicine she provides. Wisdom lives deep within.
Journey Inward to your Soul…
Living in Ceremony
When I am preparing my morning tea or coffee, usually I close my eyes and breath in the moment. This was something that I didn’t use to do. I was always in a hurry to finish or do what I needed to do. I did not give myself permission to be present to the moment.
This is a daily, minute by minute practice. I sit in ceremony more often than I used to. Sometimes it's just for a few minutes. Other times, like this morning, I begin before sunrise. I begin with a soft dance with Gaia’s gifts. Allowing her to kiss my soft skin, beginning to drop deeper and deeper into my heart space.
Today, I am grateful for the opportunity to hold space for one of my Flower Essence clients. I honor my path and her path, and begin to connect to her soul, asking her divine higher self and mine to allow the thread of Re-Mememberance to begin to unravel. And all that we must share shall be for our highest good and the highest good of all those around us.
Now, even when a headache visits or my lower back wants to say hi, I stop what I am doing and I ask her what she wants to tell me.
When we feel pain our first thought usually is, “how can I get rid of it.” I’m not saying that is wrong, but sometimes, the pain shows up because a memory is triggered or an old emotion returns. That pain is trying to speak to us.
The next time that an emotion or physical pain arises, I invite you to pause. Stop whatever you are doing, and ask her, ask her what she wants to say. Sometimes, your soul just wants to be heard, or she just wants you to feel. Your medicine lives inside of you. And that medicine should be honored with Grace and Love. The next time you sip a cup of that potion you have created, called tea, close your eyes, and set an intention as it begins to travel through your temple body.
Ceremony is such a big part of our daily life. Everything we do in our day is creating magick. From the moment you step outside and breath in the light codes being gifted by Ra, to the pouring of your coffee of tea.
Re-Ignite the fire within…
Sit with me, let your soul speak. Find your medicine deep within…
1 hour Flower Essence Session
3 session commitment